The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest business challenge of a generation. Organizations scramble to establish continuity. We’re redefining “essential” and building the capacity for remote work, concepts that were previously resisted by many leaders. Because revenue is uncertain, layoffs have come, even though there’s a lot of work still to do. Marketers are equipped and positioned to help stem the panic, save jobs now, and facilitate as fast a recovery as possible.

Surviving a crisis and planning for recovery begins with a search for ideas.That is the stock and trade of marketing. We can use existing communication channels to move a constructive narrative between customers and prospects and leaders in our own organizations. The core critical message is to move beyond short-term thinking.

Here are specific themes to communicate:

1. Connect and communicate more.

We know that crisis is emotional but we may forget the human impact. People may not be producing at their typical levels of either volume or quality for a variety of reasons including adapting to new work norms or accommodating family schedules. As marketing leaders, we can remind ourselves and our bosses that gratitude and inspiration are expressions that will payout dividends now and in the future. And frequent communication is critical. When contacting employees, customers, or the general public, a leader’s voice is more important than ever. You can’t post the same messages at the same frequency as if nothing is happening. Nor should we hide or be silent. Now is the time to emotionally connect and communicate more with your employees, customers and your pipeline.


2. Tell unique, authentic stories.

This is an excellent time to put your company’s unique values on display. Your choices differentiate you from other organizations. Pause the routine automated messages and craft tailored messages about how you can help. Customers want to know what you are doing to protect their interests: from how you’re treating your employees, how your products can help them right now, how you’re keeping them safe, and what your plans are for recovery. These specifics clarify your company’s identity in the mind of your customers and prospects.


3. Redirect teams to strategic projects.

Most organizations run lean. Corporations expect high productivity from full-time employees and use contingent workers like contractors for maximum efficiency. Even so, many important-but-not-urgent projects never get off the ground. Now might be the time to move on that work, especially those projects that can be disruptive when you are busier. Build out core processes or think about your supply chain optimization.


4. Invest in training.

Your team is working from home, and many online providers are offering their wares for free or at discounted rates. Review training and certification requirements and encourage team members to cure any lapses. While they shelter in place, people can renew certifications or get new ones. This is also a good opportunity to identify learning and development goals and devise long-term plans.


5. Trim costs without trimming people.

Look for costs that can be cut down quickly as compared to production costs. For example, paid advertising when buyer budgets are tight may not provide the return you need in the short-term. Consider re-evaluating your tech stack and if it’s not being used optimally, trim these costs first before considering reducing staff.


6. Spend more time with customers.

Replacing automated chatbots with live human beings can offer customers the contact they crave while sheltering in their homes. Set up meetings to check in. Find out what’s working and what’s not. You may discover inexpensive ways you can meet customers’ special needs in this time of crisis. There is no better loyalty program.

Sooner or later, business will bounce back and economic recovery will become the most urgent focus. Companies that have maintained their experienced staff, strengthened their internal processes, and listened more intently to existing customers will be the ones that get a jump-start on market growth in a post-covid era.

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